
Posted by : Unknown Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

Jakarta (28/08/2014), Thursday night after work and sticking my butts on those cheap chair for almost 10 hours. Me and my co-worker getting faster to a special talk show. That's night, one famous Indonesian writer, speaker, and men's love motivator, would speaking about something that could be precious. First important reason why i come even quite tired after work and willing to break through the Jakarta high traffic, because he -the speaker- already known as very high rate speaker in Indonesia -he can earn millions only for an hour-. But those night, his talk show was for free!!!

Finally we come -too fast- to the venue. A simplicity-designed cafe called Coffee Institute. It's located in Gunawarman Street No.71, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. The Ronald Frank's talk show was delayed but still go on. Only for your information, i was read his e-book about how to be the damn great lover since in college. It's work, really really work to me. That's the second important reason why i have to gather in his talk show.

When he started to speaking, every single eyes and ears in those typically small room suddenly hypnotized including me and my co-worker, even he just trying to chit-chat with his audience that i assumed as a little bit mediocre introduction. These men is great, i already knew it from the first words that slide out from his mouth.

He opened with his past part of life, the hardest and most depressive one. He told us that he was bankrupt in 2006. He carried teens million debt after failed in running an IT company. Yeah, he was inspired by Bill Gates, he walked out from college soon at the first year. His slut -pardon me with my carefully chosen word- break their relationship and fell into another mature-rich men's arm.

In the end, those milestones of his life, enlightened him to hear his own intuition. Spectacularly the most depressive part of life turn to be his greatest discovery of life. What the hell's happened? As i know, he wrote an e-book later, about how to be the great lover. Can you imagine this? A broken heart men who failed in his own relationship with his girl friend wrote an e-book that rapidly help the other men in the world to find and work out their lover ability. You might laugh out loud, but it's the truth.

In term of truth, Ronald said that, the truth that we believes was programmed since we was a kids. The truth is actually a neutral condition. We named it with our self or another person's perception, like our parents for example. So, almost nothing absolute truth, but there is individual truth exist among us. So, we can't impose our self truth to another person.

Ronald believe that we -he also believe that we are such an energy and God its self also exist within human energy- already created our self destiny since we in our mother's womb -or in the further more past time- but we forgot about it since we growth.

I personally struggle in this topic before, do we have our self certain destiny or we simply created our own destiny with our hands while living ? Ronald said that each of us already have a certain destiny. It's up to us, are we willing to follow it or not. Follow our own destiny means we are walking on our happiness of life. In other hand, refuse it means we are walking on the suffering life.

Sure, we always wanted to be happy in life, but how to make it? How could we considered that we are on our destinies track? Ronald said that, hear the sound from the bottom of your heart. Try to living spontaneously, it's an awesome life experience at least for our own self. Usually this intuition extremely irrational. Because when your intuition answered by your "ego" -he said that with his hand placed on his forehead- your mind already makes a negation.

For the example, men who stay to denied their intuition, they are always making hard plan for their happiness but they'll always hit the wall too, because their destiny -intuition- has try to kick them to the right way that they should be fit in. For now on, just follow your truly willingness, if you're willingness said that you must sleep and don't go to work today, you have to sleep immediately. Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Yeah i know, but i believe him. Once, i follow my intuition and suddenly i feel the God hands directing me to a road. For the first time, this is kind of a haze but in the end i recognized that this road is the truth and thus i feel life never be flat anymore. Actually, i left my work twice, surely i have worried about that, about my employers appraisal to me, but nothing really big happened and i am still working as usual.

Like Steve Job, the founder of  Apple Inc, he saw life is spots that seems unconnected but actually it's connected. You can't see the web in the future, but you can analyzed it at from past until the present time. I would love to tell you about prediction which was clime that human can't living on earth over four billion populations, now we are seven billion! Who the hell are they -men who always predicting something? Are they God that created the destinies and can see the future?

The conclusion is, are we ready to living spontaneously and joy the dynamics of life or not, that's two kind of different destination. But if you want to be a great person, life out of the box, hear your own intuition, traveling with no itinerary, traveling every time you want, leave your bored job. You know, every time i remaining about it and reflecting on my own life experience over and over, i still struggling in follow my self intuition or not, but i do really wanted to living spontaneously forever!

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